PhysChem Forum

PCF2025 - hold the date!

Another exciting PhysChem forum event to look forward to! This year Roche have kindly agreed to host the event in Basel, Switzerland, on 13th and 14th October 2025. This years theme is Advances and Challenges in Physicochemical Profiling for Emerging Modalities in Drug Research. More details will be posted in due course but for now, hold the dates in your diary.


Another exciting PhysChem forum event PCF2024 took place in 2024 "Closing the loop - measuring, modelling and predicting PhysChem properties" at Syngenta Jealot's Hill UK, on Monday 30th September and Tuesday 1st October. We are delighted that Marianne Ashford (AstraZeneca) was our keynote speaker for this event with the title "Changing face of drugs: implications for discovery, delivery and development".

PCF2023 Gothenburg, 3rd and 4th October 2023

This was a very successful event and photos are now available at the bottom of the event page.

Job opportunity!

Cyprotex at Alderley Park, Macclesfield have a position for an Associate Principal Scientist open, see their job advert for further details.

About us

Since 2005, the PhysChem Forum has hosted an annual two day meeting covering a variety of topics around the themes of physical chemistry (PhysChem) and Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity.

There is a recognized need within the PhysChem and ADMET industry for a discussion forum; especially for those scientists carrying out practical research and analytical work in the field, particularly with new modalities for drug design such as beyond rule of five.

There have been a number of extremely high quality international meetings covering various aspects of this field. While the papers presented at those meetings have been cutting edge, there has been limited scope for bench scientists to meet in a more informal setting allowing them to present current work, discuss challenges that were overcome and deliberate those yet to be faced. Furthermore those meetings have generally been expensive, thus precluding multiple attendees from smaller departments. The PhysChem Forum Symposium event series is attempting to address those specific aspects by an adapted, yet very successful proven format. The PhysChem Forum is totally free and its successful organisation relies on the passion and engagement of many people who dedicate their time and effort to make the PhysChem Forum a reality.

Organising committee

PhysChem Forum committee

Left to right: Stephen Buckley (NovoNordisk); Stephane Rodde (Novartis); Jonathan Burley (University of Nottingham); Antonio Llinas (AstraZeneca); Martin Will (Sanofi); Shenaz Bunally (GSK); Karl Box (Pion); Nikita King (Syngenta). Not in photo: Josep Huerta (Almiral); Linette Ruston (Seda Pharm Dev).

Our goal is to generate an environment for informed debate and discussion in a non-commercial setting with excellent networking opportunities. We are supported by many "BigPharma" and smaller pharmaceutical development companies through the input of the PhysChem organising committee. To find out about our exciting meetings please sign up to our e-mail list by filling in the form below or dropping an e-mail to "info at", and keep up to speed with us via our fancy-pants new twitter account!

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